KakiJalan: Iran

Kakijalan- Iran pada bulan Mac 2013 memang satu peluang yang tak disangka-sangka. Mak kata saya anak rezeki berjalan. Saya nak kongsi pasal traditional house Iran yang selalunya dekat kawasan tengah rumah ada open space and water features. Kebiasaannya tetamu yang masuk tidak terus menghadap bilik tidur. Tapi rumah sebesar ini tidak lg diduduki orang sekarang. Banyak…

KakiJalan: United Kingdom

KakiJalan – United Kingdom family trip tahun 2013. Kali ni mak minta bayar tiket kapal terbang sendiri2. Mak tak sponsor tiket kapal, tapi exceptional untuk cucu. So ada saving sikit kerja lepas SPM, bayar duit kapal terbang. Accommodation mak sponsor. Tiket kapal beli waktu Matta fair 2013, murahlah sikit. Sampai dekat UK, wajib singgah tempat mak…

Edible Indeed

Edible. I don’t usually take food photos. Fortunately, I’ve got one. There were different kind of rice with ostrich meat, they also displayed jewel on its neck. The best part that you can see the eyes were actually staring at you.This photo was taken in Iran, 2013, where they have this festive event to celebrate…

Symbol of Strength

During my visit at the museum in Paris. One of the collection from ancient times.


Another part of Malaysia, short getaway and lots of outdoor activities.